Bear Grylls for TV Vijesti: We Could Survive a Month in Montenegro

Imagine Bear Grylls tackling challenges on the peaks of Durmitor, in the Tara Canyon, or along the wild shores of Lake Skadar. This globally renowned TV adventurer tells TV Vijesti that the rugged and untouched nature of Montenegro is indeed appealing to him.

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Foto: TV Vijesti
Foto: TV Vijesti

"I believe adventure is a state of mind; that's how I always feel. It's the way we live our lives," says the world-famous television adventurer.

"I've sailed close to Montenegro many times, but I haven't spent enough time there. I've been to Serbia and spent quite a bit of time in Croatia and Greece."

When asked if he could survive a month in Montenegro, he says, "Well, I hope so, but you can never be too relaxed. It's very hot, but I think we'd have a chance. We would fight and succeed."

It is precisely this struggle and perseverance that have brought worldwide fame to this adventurer and TV star, known for his extreme expeditions and survival in the wilderness. Grylls inspires millions of people worldwide to embrace life's challenges with courage and persistence.

Bear Grylls
Bear Gryllsfoto: Alamy

"I believe adventure is a state of mind; that's how I always feel. It's the way we live our lives. It's not just climbing a mountain or traveling through a desert. It's the way we approach our goals, dreams, relationships, work, and daily responsibilities, so I try to live as much as possible with that adventurous spirit," says Grylls.

However, he says that adventure tourism should not become a threat to natural resources and that ecological sustainability must be a priority.

"One of my roles as the Chief Ambassador for World Scouting is to represent 57 million young people. Before adventure, before anything, there's respect for the planet, and I think scouts are a great example of that. Wherever they go, I see them working together, cleaning up. They love their motto: recycle, reuse, renew. It's beautiful to see."

He adds that the show "Running Wild," which he now hosts, is a privilege, and he says that all his guests, including political and movie stars, came with the intention of stepping out of their comfort zones.

"There is strength in going into nature, with friends, pushing ourselves a little beyond our limits. 'Running Wild' does just that. I love it. May it last as long as possible. I'm always grateful for the trust stars place in me."

Grylls believes that legacy is not just in what we leave behind but in how we live each day. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's principles, even in tough times. Mistakes, he says, are an inevitable part of the journey, but the essence lies in never giving up.

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