Kao jedna od vodećih regionalnih finansijskih institucija, NLB Banka ukazala je povjerenje u poslovne planove i strategiju kompanije BIG CEE, koja ima za cilj rast i lidersku poziciju u segmentu shopping centara u regionu Centralne i Istočne Evrope.
„NLB Banka je nas strateški partner u Crnoj Gori i veoma smo zadovoljni kako ostvarenom saradnjom tako i ukazanim povjerenjem kroz finansiranje projekta Capital Plaza“ izjavio je Alon Bargiora, CFO BIG CEE“.
„NLB Banka je ovim kreditom pokazala svoju spremnost da podrži snažne razvojne i strateške projekte u Crnoj Gori. Ova kreditna podrška kompaniji BIG CEE predstavlja dokaz naše predanosti i podršci razvoju preduzeća i poslovnih inicijativa kojima doprinosimo jačanju ekonomije, kao i stvaranju razvojnih mogućnosti i prilika u našoj zemlji. Ponosni smo na ukazanom povjerenju i prilici da pružimo kreditnu i savjetodavnu podršku ovom važnom projektu.“, saopštio je Marko Čelebić, izvršni pomoćnik člana Upravnog odbora NLB Banke ad Podgorica.
„Izuzetno smo ponosni što smo partner BIG CEE. Iskoristio bih priliku da se zahvalim BIG CEE na ukazanom povjerenju, kao i našim kolegama iz NLB Banke Podgorica, kao i kolegama iz NLB u Ljubljani na uloženom trudu i profesionalizmu. NLB je još jednom dokazala da nismo samo regionalna sistemska finansijska institucija već i važan regionalni igrač. Želimo da se maksimalno brinemo o našem regionu i na taj način poboljšamo kvalitet života stvarajući region novih mogućnosti. Uvjereni smo da ovaj projekat čini važan korak na ovom putu“, rekao je Andrej Lasič, član Uprave NLB zadužen za korporativno i investiciono bankarstvo.
Ugovor su potpisali Alon Bargiora, CFO BIG CEE, Martin Leberle, predsjednik Upravnog odbora NLB Banke ad Podgorica i Marko Čelebić, izvršni pomoćnik Upravnog odbora i direktor Sektora poslovanja sa pravnim licima NLB Banka ad Podgorica.
NLB Bank and BIG shopping centers Signed Contract for the Purchase of Exclusive Business-Residential Complex 'Capital Plaza'
On Thursday 20th July 2023, company BIG Shopping Centers signed a long-term credit agreement in Podgorica with NLB Bank worth EUR 24 million over a period of 10 years, for the purchase of the exclusive business, residential complex 'Capital Plaza' located in the very heart of Podgorica.
As one of the leading regional financial institutions, NLB Bank confirmed confidence in the business plans and strategy of BIG CEE, which aims for growth and a leading position in the shopping center segment in Central and Eastern Europe.
"NLB Bank is our strategic partner in Montenegro, and we are very pleased with both the cooperation we have achieved, and the trust placed in us through the financing of the Capital Plaza project," stated Alon Bargiora, CFO of BIG CEE.
"Through this credit, NLB Bank has demonstrated its readiness to support strong developmental and strategic projects in Montenegro. This credit support to BIG CEE is evidence of our dedication and support to the development of enterprises and business initiatives that contribute to the strengthening of the economy and creating development opportunities in our country. We are proud of the trust placed in us and the opportunity to provide credit and advisory support for this important project," said Marko Celebic, Executive Assistant to the member of the Management Board of NLB Bank AD Podgorica.
"We are extremely proud to partner with BIG CEE. I would like to take this opportunity to thank BIG CEE for the trust placed in us, as well as our colleagues from NLB Bank Podgorica, and our colleagues from NLB in Ljubljana for their invested effort and professionalism. NLB has once again proven that we are not just a regional systemic financial institution, but also an important regional player. We want to take maximum care of our region and improve the quality of life by creating a region of new possibilities. We believe that this project represents an important step on this path," said Andrej Lasic, member of the Management Board of NLB responsible for corporate and investment banking.
The contract was signed by Alon Bargiora, CFO of BIG CEE, Martin Leberle, President of the Board of Directors of NLB Banka ad Podgorica and Marko Čelebić, Executive Assistant of the Board of Directors and Director of the Business Sector with Legal Entities of NLB Banka ad Podgorica.